Part Picking VS Pallet Loading?

Part Picking VS Pallet Loading? Which Automation Strategy is Best for My CNC Machine Shop?

In the realm of CNC manufacturing, machine shop owners, machinists, and operators are consistently confronted with choices that can significantly influence productivity and cost-effectiveness. Among these choices is the method of automating part loading with robots: Part Pick and Place or Load and Unload Pallets. As each presents its advantages and drawbacks, let’s delve into these two strategies, and explore a third strategy, to determine the best fit for your shop.

How it Works:

1. Part Picking CNC Automation:

– Workholding:  Vises or Chucks, with air, hydraulic, or electric actuation, with part-specific fixtures/jaws, are set up in the CNC for each operation.

Grippers: Typically, one or two sets of part-specific grippers are needed for the robot.

Operation: Operators stage workpieces in the infeed. The robot picks up the part, loads it into the CNC, and after processing, the robot unloads the part, with the cycle repeating.

Multi Operation Parts: For parts requiring more than one milling operation, part picking CNC automation runs one operation at a time or requires a custom part flipping station (regrip station) and custom robot programming, to flip the part.

2. Pallet Loading CNC Automation:

– Pallet Receiver: The CNC table houses a pallet receiver that is used with all pallets.

– Pallets: Typically, a vise mounted on a pallet is used to handle a wide variety of raw material shapes and sizes for first operations. For second operations, dedicated pallets configured to hold each unique part shape are used. To complete the second ops, the number of pallets required is equal to the number of parts to be run unattended by the automation multiplied by the number of unique part numbers to be automated. High-mix requires lots of expensive pallets.

Operation: Operators attach one or more workpieces to each pallet and stage them in the infeed. The robot picks up the pallet, loads it into the CNC, processes the part on the pallet, and then unloads the pallet. This step is performed for each machining operation.

Multi Operation Parts: For parts requiring more than one milling operation, the operator manually moves the parts from the first operation pallets to the second operation pallets.

Pros of Part Picking vs. Pallet Loading

Efficient Changeover: Part picking typically requires less labor during changeovers, whereas pallet loading can involve dozens of pallets to be configured.

Simplified Part Processing: With part picking, operators stage raw material and remove completed parts, whereas pallet loading requires each raw material piece to be fixtured and then removed from the pallet by the operator.

Lower Fixturing Costs: Part picking only requires one set of grippers and CNC fixtures instead of the many pallets needed in pallet loading.

Pros of Pallet Picking vs. Part Loading

Reliability: Pallet picking is typically more reliable since the robot always picks the same object (a pallet).  When adding a new part to a Part Picking system, the gripper and/or workholding may need to be changed out, and the system may require new programming.

Machinist-Friendly: Machinists tend to be more at ease integrating parts into a pallet loading system compared to a part picking system.

Reduced Fixturing Costs for First Ops: Using “generic” pallets can lead to lower costs and shorter changeover times.

Efficiency for Small Parts: CNC processing efficiency can be significantly improved with several small parts on one pallet.

The MultiGrip Advantage

MultiGrip is a third method of CNC automation that offers a hybrid of the top features from both part picking and pallet loading:

– No Per-Part Robot Programming: Because the robot always picks the same thing, MultiGrip jaws, no per-part robot programming is required.

Machinist-Friendly: Easier integration of parts into the automation system than part picking.

Low Fixturing Cost & Change-over Time: Mirrors the benefits of part picking.

Multiple Operation Parts: This is a challenge for part picking and unachievable for pallet loading. MultiGrip’s patented technology makes multi-operation processing automatic.

MultiGrip Pallet Jaws: This is a new addition to the MultiGrip product line. MultiGrip Pallet Jaws combines all of the benefits of Pallet Loading with the advantages MultiGrip provides.


What System is Right for My Machine Shop?

Pallet Loading System: Ideal for first-op-only processing or managing small parts with quick cycle times.

Part Picking System: Best suited for high-mix environments with simpler part shapes and internal resources for robot programming.

MultiGrip: Perfect for high-mix scenarios, regardless of the simplicity or complexity of part shapes.


The pinnacle of automation is a system adept at part picking, pallet loading, and MultiGrip processing. There’s just one system that ticks all these boxes: the VersaBuilt Mill Automation System. For a comprehensive solution tailored to your unique needs, reach out to VersaBuilt Robotics and embark on a journey toward maximized automation and unparalleled productivity.

150 150 Al Youngwerth

Al Youngwerth

I’m a robotics and technology enthusiast, innovator, engineer, and inventor. My passion is developing industry-disruptive, high-value products that improve processes and bring new benefits to people’s lives. I believe there’s a better way, and I am committed to finding it. That belief drives my work and is exemplified in my most recent start-ups: VersaBuilt Robotics and Rekluse Motor Sports.

All stories by : Al Youngwerth
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